You can use the command window to conveniently access MU Online Community content.
Pressing the hotkey D activates the command window.
Press the desired button in the command window, annd then move the mouse to the target and left-click.
Press the enter key to open the chat box and just type the command.
/reset | Reset your character |
/pkclear | Clear killer status |
/clearinv | Clears the items in all of your inventories |
/cleareventinv | Clears the items in your Event inventory |
/marry | Allows to propose a marry to other player |
/accept | Allows to accept marry proposal after usage of above command |
/divorce | Divorces your character if you are married |
/post [message] | Sends a message to the whole server |
/addstr [points] | Adds points to Strength |
/addagi [points] | Adds points to Agility |
/addvit [points] | Adds points to Vitality |
/addene [points] | Adds points to Energy |
/addcmd [points] | Adds points to Command |
/requests [on/off] | Enable / disable requests in-game |
/whisper [on/off] | Enable / disable whisper |
/offtrade | Activates offline-trade sale in Loren Market. Requires setup of personal store first |
/ware [0-3] | Switch between your main and additional vaults |
/npc | Opens up a store where you could buy and sell items without the need to warp to town |
/eventinfo | Shows event and boss remaining times |
/antilag | Shows info about the anti lag feature |