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CountryClassCharacterResetsGrand ResetsLocation
1Noble ElfArriana0256Elbeland
2Noble ElfKanino100255Elbeland
3Noble ElfMinnElfVN9241Noria
4Noble ElfxRizs9226Abyss of Atlans 2
5Royal ElfUgggh1150Lorencia
6Royal ElfIIlllllIII0150Deep Dungeon 3
7Royal ElfllIIIIIIII0150Deep Dungeon 3
8Noble ElfSupervisor94124Nixie Lake
9Noble ElfElene27120Elbeland
10Noble ElfCentpa129113Deep Dungeon 4
11Noble Elf122197110Noria
12Noble ElfPeeAPook68109Noria
13Noble ElfCaster0106Ferea
14Noble ElfFondue100103Nixie Lake
15Noble ElfRyuuLion293Abyss of Atlans 2
16Noble ElfBuffx091Nixie Lake
17Noble ElfPeriuta3887Kanturu Undergrounds
18Noble ElfPinK087Loren Market
19Noble ElfTHICKCHICK3685Elbeland
20Noble ElfELFVNN283Noria
21Noble ElfKingofElf082Quest Zone
22Noble ElfEmGaiNuoi6480Elbeland
23Noble ElfNianNian8575Elbeland
24Noble ElfMariDalia175Noria
25Noble Elf3lFy12574Noria
Last update on 8 Sep, 2024 - 02:45 AM

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Ice Wind Valley
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  • KundunEvery
    Starts1 hour
  • ErohimEvery
    Starts12 hours
  • NightmareEvery
    Starts6 hours
  • SelupanEvery
    Starts2 hours
  • MedusaEvery
    Starts1 hour
  • Lord SilvesterEvery
    Starts2 hours
  • Core MagriffyEvery
    Starts2 hours
  • Lord of FereaEvery
    Starts2 hours
  • NixEvery
    Starts3 hours
  • God of DarknessEvery
    Starts3 hours
  • MinibossesEvery
    Starts1 hour